Tuesday, October 19, 2010

lab 3

View Tour Mendocino in a larger map

The Potentials, Pitfalls, and Consequences of Neogeography

Neogeograghy, or new geography, has obvious potentials and positive attributes, but like all technologies also boasts flaws. "Mash Up" maps are gaining popularity among the mapping world. These maps are used on both a personal level and often in the business world. The idea of mash up maps is that individuals can add knowledge and information to pre-existing map such as google maps. The positive aspects of these maps is somewhat obvious. They are easy to use and many versions are open to the public. Individuals can create maps to show where they've been or to suggest routes or landmarks to others. Businesses can use these maps to promote sales, show availability, and compare with competitors. Although the positive attributes of neogeography are obvious, the consequences aren't as blatant. The main problem with mash up maps is credibility. It is often hard to tell if the information given is accurate and credible. Mash up maps can also be manipulated in a way to make the maps appear different than what they actually are. Another problem with neogeography is that one can only add features to maps but cannot change existing features. This means if someone knows that certain information is incorrect they cannot necessarily change it to show the truth. Like all technologies, neogeography has both potentials and pitfalls that through time will be smoothed out.

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